
Grounded - A Text-free Comic Book

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Grounded - A Text-free Comic Book

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Only with the protection of the law,

in tunnels underground,

with oneness within the group,

and with the guards of information we can truly be safe!

And never fly…

A text-free comic about freedom and finding ones wings...

Curious about the story? You can access to read it online for the price you feel it's worth (or what you can afford) or if you also want a PDF to download to your devices, it's available for only 3€ more. And if you want to read the story as a physical book, you can find them by searching for the name or isbn number in your online bookstore of choice!



isbn: 9781714474998



isbn: 9781714475315


Conectado a Tierra

isbn: 9781714519361



isbn: 9781714519408

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